A world of pain
A world of pain

a world of pain

Utilizing pain science research regarding pain mechanisms, this course teaches pain clinicians how to assess and treat pain as it relates to the peripheral and central nervous system mechanisms.

  • Effectively prescribe therapeutic exercise for Peripheral Nervous System, Neurodynamic, and Central Nervous System Sensorimotor Dysfunctions.
  • Effectively communicate pain education for Peripheral and Central Nervous System pain mechanisms.
  • Identify patient rated outcome measures and psychometric questionnaires using PMCS and YFRF.
  • a world of pain

  • Apply patient education and active care intervention using PMCS and Yellow Flag Risk Form (YFRF).
  • Apply pain mechanism & mechanical classification principles to pain patients via paper, video and live demonstrations.
  • Differentiate subjective and objective characteristics for nociceptive, peripheral neurogenic, central sensitization, affective and motor/autonomic pain mechanisms.
  • Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

    A world of pain